This socially-connected note-taking tool allows hospitalists to share Basic Organising Knowledge regarding phone numbers, treatment approaches, resource links, attached content etc. It is being produced by the team at
The development team constantly investigates new technologies and approaches to improve the contact and collaboration management tools we produce for evidence-based medical professionals.
This website is a meditation on a few new technologies that we think will work well in this use context.
It is traditional for to launch test sites to see how these technologies function in real-world production environments. This helps us to understand a novel technology's impact before implementing it more broadly.
That is what this site is. Our internal beta testers are utilizing this site to investigate new technologies. There is no open invitation for external users to join unless otherwise invited.
Testing a real-world application involves finding a real-world need. We then find collaborators and work back-and-forth with the technology and the user interface to figure out what approaches work and what approaches do not. Information collected is the property of the participating fellow beta testers and is migrated into our other solutions for those persons at the end of this process.
In 2021 our team has found a compelling use case in supplying just-in-time, peer-supported and contributed information to hospitalists in Ontario, Canada, who quickly have to learn how to do new things collaboratively.
There are a few reasons for this. Firstly, it's a short name. We will be logging in often across different locations to use this tool. The length of the URL matters, and short URLs are easier to memorize. Secondly, this beta implementation will likely undergo rebranding if it is ever more broadly implemented.